Fuel Care Treat Sellers in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Fuel Treatment chemicals. Our RXSOL-70-7009-025 Fuel Care Treat is a super additive to maintain homogenious dispersion of FUEL oil BLEND .Its chemical reaction improves water separation in tanks and separators, which prevents SLUDGE formation . It is very usefull product to avoid sludge formation and […]

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Oxalic Acid Sellers in Dubai

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Raw chemicals. Our RXSOL-19-1303-025 Oxalic Acid Powder is an organic compound with the formula H2C2O4. This colorless crystalline solid is a dicarboxylic acid. In terms of acid strength, it is about 3,000 times stronger than acetic acid. Oxalic acid is a reducing agent and its […]

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Sodium Sulphite Sellers in Sharjah

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of boiler chemical. Our RXSOL-19-1305-025 Sodium Sulphite for corrosion prevention. Generally speaking, sulfite is not present in natural water. In boiler feedwater conditioning sodium sulfite is fed to a boiler to remove dissolved oxygen and thus prevent pitting. For the reaction between sulfite and oxygen to […]

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CoolTreat (Anti Freeze liquid) Sellers in Sharjah

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Cooling Water chemicals. Our RXSOL-40-4012-025 CoolTreat (cooling water treatment ) is an organic liquid corrosion inhibitor with low-toxic property provides long-life corrosion protection for closed cooling water systems. Rxsol Cooltreat will protect all commonly used materials in engine cooling water systems, including aluminum. Specially manufactured […]

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T.POL General Purpose Cleaner | All Purpose Cleaner Sellers in Sharjah

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Metal Treatment chemicals. Our RXSOL-15-T300-020 T.POL GP multi-purpose heavy duty cleaning soap solution used as a common dirt remover in residential, commercial and industrial cleaning processes. Specially manufactured our chemical using high-quality chemicals at our sophisticated manufacturing unit. These are highly acknowledged due to their […]

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Sodium bromide Manufacturers in Abu Dhabi

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Drilling Fluids & Mud Oil Field chemical. Our RXSOL-19-1617-025 Sodium bromide is an inorganic compound with the formula NaBr. It is a high-melting white, crystalline solid that resembles sodium chloride. It is a widely used source of the bromide ion and has many applications also […]

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Dry Walnut manufacturers in Oman

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Stains Indicator Reagents chemicals. Our RXSOL-16-1035-025 Turbo Cleaner Dry Walnut Shell abrasive is a hard and fibrous product made from crushed walnut shells in accordance with International Trade Standard. Suitable to use for cleaning up the dirt sticks from nozzles and blades of the turbocharger, […]

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Calcium hypochlorite Ca(ClO)2 Sellers in Doha, Qatar

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of swimming pool spa chemical. Our RXSOL-31-3028-045 Calcium Hypochlorite , an inorganic compound having the chemical formula Ca(ClO2), serves as one of these important chemicals that lend their service to the industries. Calcium Hypochlorite manifests as an extensively used chlorine compound that is highly efficient in […]

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Muriatic Acid Manufacturers and Sellers in Doha, Qatar

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of RIGS Oil Field chemicals. Our RXSOL-22-2205-050 Muriatic Acid high concentrations forms acidic mists. Both the mist and the solution have a corrosive effect on human tissue, with the potential to damage respiratory organs, eyes, skin, and intestines. Upon mixing Muriatic acid with common oxidizing chemicals, […]

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Oil Sludge Cleaner Heavy VOLC Manufacturers and Sellers in Oman

Fujairah Chemical is a world-famous manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of RIGS Oil Field chemicals. Our RXSOL-20-3300-025 Oil Sludge Cleaner Heavy VOLC successfully replaces the traditional cleaner, this product is safer for use, storage and transportation and reduce your costs by 10–15%. This product dissolve and loosen deposits in the TANK and increase the permeability layer […]

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